George Floyd

My next article was supposed to be a follow up to, Origin. But, as we all have learned this year, nothing ever goes according to plan.

A man named George Floyd was killed on May 25, 2020.

He was killed by a man, a police officer, kneeling on the back of his neck for more than seven minutes. What an utter shame this is. After speaking with family members (both active and retired law enforcement officers), there is no tactic or training given to police officers that instructs them to kneel on a person’s neck. What that officer did was wrong, and he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Unfortunately, since this incident, Mr. Floyd’s death and the subsequent protests, have been hijacked by partisan politics and by riots that have occurred across the country. Furthermore, there have been attempts to justify these riots in the name of George Floyd. Let us not conflate what is good with what is bad. Do not call rioters and looters, “protesters”. They are not the same. Protesters are not breaking the law. Protesting is a protected first amendment right. Which means you get to say what you like, but you don’t get to do what you like. Someone stealing a TV is not a protester. That is a criminal. The destruction of private property, the destruction of public property, arson, looting, these are crimes - not protests. Do not conflate mindless violence with civil disobedience. To say that the people committing these crimes are just as good as those trying to enact positive change, is a disservice to our nation. You can hate the wrong committed by the police, and you can hate wrong committed by rioters & looters. Human beings are actually capable of doing both at the same time. It is a disservice to not be logical and clear about everything that is going on. And, it is a disservice to the country to speak without clarity of thought and presence.

The story being sold to you is that there is a systemic racist boogeyman out there and that America has not changed since 1968. What bullshit. This idea of systemic racism is illogical. Systemically racist societies do not elect black presidents, black governors, or black mayors. Does racism exist? YES. Does police brutality exist? YES. Police brutality is the issue we should be discussing. There have been white people that have died in police custody. There have been latino people that have died in police custody. Unfortunately, we do not know their names, as such cases have been deemed not worth reporting. This was one man in Minneapolis who killed another man. He was bad cop, and he deserves to be in jail. But, let’s remember that there are no more bad police officers than there are bad journalists, bad lawyers, and bad soldiers. The increased police presence in black neighborhoods is a direct consequence of the excessive violent crime that victimizes the people of those neighborhoods.

As minority myself, I have experienced racism personally. I have seen the hurt that racism yields. But, we should not be telling our young minorities that any hurdle, obstacle, or hardship they may face in life is because of racism. What a disservice that is. The police officer in Mr. Floyd’s case has been arrested. He has been brought up on murder and manslaughter charges. Yet, I hear people cry, “No justice, no peace.” Where is the lack of justice? There were 50 people shot in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend, 28 people were shot the following Tuesday. A five year old girl was shot while standing with her family. Where is the justice for this little girl? Where are the protests for this little girl? If you want to enact change, protest peacefully. Do not yield. Organize meetings with elected representatives. Organize town hall meetings with councilmen and community board members. Collectively, we can discuss new protocols for law enforcement, or discuss establishing independent review committees for cases such as these. Don’t fall for the narrative.

And, while I think the idea of being “privileged” is a complete farce, to those of you that feel “privileged,” if you don’t want to be privileged, help the homeless. You don’t want be privileged? Donate money. You don’t want to be privileged? Then change how things work. Don’t sit on your comfy couch, and virtue signal by posting a black square on social media while changing nothing about your life. I have worked in the real estate industry for many years. I have worked for millionaires and I have worked for the poorest of the poor. It has been nothing short of a humbling experience. So, get out there and help those in need.

The failure of government to protect George Floyd, and the failure of government to protect private & public property has been nothing short of catastrophic. While I’m sure we are in for another sad week of riots and unyielding brutality across our country, I can only recommend that we try to find the human decency that we should have been united around, following the death of Mr. Floyd.

Understanding Religion and Morality

When I started writing this article, I had the intention of keeping it very brief. However, given the scale of the discussion on this topic, I realized it would potentially leave my argument unfulfilled and open to rebuke. So, I decided to take some time and really think about what I wanted to say. The wonderful thing about writing, is that when you start, you’ll often discover concepts and talking points that you didn’t think about when you started writing. Sometimes a written piece will just slowly reveal itself to you.

“There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.”

- G.K. Chesterton

With the rapid advancement in information technology, communication, and how we exchange information, a resurgent secular movement has risen in the West. It should come as no surprise to anyone that this movement has had an immense appeal to younger generations. There is a renewed desire for spirituality without religion, or simply the removal of religion altogether. They believe religion is antiquated and that it has served it’s purpose, and the time has come to move on. They believe secularism to be more humanistic, more compassionate, and more inclusive. They believe as I once did, that the disposal of religion equates to freedom. And, who doesn’t want more of that?

As a former atheist, I am aware of the benefits of secular reasoning. Secular reasoning rightly applies skepticism to traditional thought. It has contributed immensely to our understanding of individual liberty, constitutional government, and the need for separation of Church and state. However, it is also important to reflect on the contributions of religion to Western culture, more specifically, of Judaism and Christianity. Lest we forget that it is the Judeo-Christian foundation of western culture, that grounded the human individual in equality and freedom. Medieval Christianity also laid the foundation for modern academia. And, there happens to be no higher contributing factor to charity and giving than…you guessed it, religion.

True faith is actually built on reason. We are not meant to believe in things blindly. There are three primary practices in which we come to know and understand our reality. These three practices are science, philosophy, and theology. In spite of popular opinion, these three are meant to complement each other. But, contemporary culture has once again, decided to pit science against theology, while philosophy ruminates on a bench. I think it’s important to recognize the glaring difference between science and theology. They are answering entirely different questions. Science addresses how something came to be. Theology addresses why something came to be. True theology poses a simple question, “Why is there something rather than nothing?” This is a question that science, fundamentally, cannot answer. Therefore, study in both areas is paramount in understanding our world and our role in it. There are higher forms of reason beyond science or religion alone. Solely believing in science, theology, or philosophy is a reduction of rationality.

Now, the most important Judeo-Christian contribution to Western society is our understanding of morality. I think it’s safe to say that any society is better, stronger, and more peaceful, when people, by and large, agree on what is good and what is bad.  When there is a common code of decency, moral structure, and a common understanding of the individual as an entity of infinite value, the world is a better place. There are even goods that are beyond what is good for a particular individual,  like the good of another or the good of a whole. And, if we can all agree on that good, society profits.  This is why the act of suffering is so important.  The best good may actually require sacrifice.  As a parent will sacrifice for a child, a teacher for a student, or a soldier for a citizen.  However, if that understanding of good and bad dissolves, then that society will decay with it.  If there is no common good, there is only discord and chaos. Then you will have fathers leaving sons and neighbors stealing from neighbors.  This is where the rule of law comes in to play.

Western society is shaped by the law. Whenever we revere something, do we not surround it with laws to protect it? As Americans, think of our reverence for freedom and the Constitution that protects it. Think of the structures that form and define language.  Consider the number of laws that frame and formulate your preferred martial art. Think of the games you “play.” Would anyone who really loves chess be content with an “anything goes” approach to the game? Would you accept “following your whim” in any other area of your life that you take seriously? True religion merely provides a framework to the moral life.

We have become quick to discard and replace things that we see as unnecessary, all the while never actually knowing what purpose they served. I believe we have become overconfident in our capacity for discernment. While secular reasoning certainly has its benefits, people today are blinded to its shadows. If you reduce political thought to secular reasoning it becomes as ideologically conditioned as any religion. Now, my intention here is not to sway you one way or the other. I simply want you to have the intellectual integrity to know what it is you are about to uproot and clear away. I ask you to refuse the Enlightenment prejudice, to think critically, and to come to your own resolution.

"‘On what else is the whole world run but immediate impressions? What is more practical?’ My friend, the philosophy of this world may be founded on facts, but its business is run on spiritual impressions and atmospheres."

- G.K. Chesterton



It has been interesting watching world react to the elimination of Qasem Soleimani. In the US, we can speculate endlessly about the political motivations of Trump and the motivations behind the reaction from the left. However, I would rather focus on the act itself. The elimination of Soleimani is more significant than that of Al-Baghdadi or Osama Bin Laden. In fact, it doesn’t even compare. Unlike Al-Baghdadi and Bin Laden, Soleimani was actually a cabinetry level state official. Everyone was aware of both his role and duty within the state of Iran. There is no question he had a deeper influence in the region than both Al-Baghdadi and Bin Laden combined.

Now, you could argue that the deescalation of the conflict at the US Embassy in Baghdad was the end of it. We sent in Marines over night, and we firmly stated that there would be no repeat of Benghazi. OK. We prevented what potentially could have been a disaster, but beyond just that what did we achieve? Nothing. Killing Soleimani was an act of strategic deterrence.

Deterrence is something we’ve forgotten about in this country. The loss of deterrence has led to incorrect notions of US power and foreign policy. Our use of political and military power has become predictable. This is dangerous. The killing of Soleimani was an act of deterrence, and therefore, an act of disruption. Any gesture or intimation that assures an aggressor that we will not act welcomes contempt and violence. And, not only for us, but the world. We have to start using deterrence and disruption as frames of mind. Will the death of Soleimani heighten tensions between the US and Iran? Yes. Will it probably affect the stock market? Yes. Will it probably affect the price of oil? Yes.

We’ll survive. I promise.

There is more military might on a single United States naval carrier than in the entire Iranian military. Unfortunately, in the last 20 years, the world has forgotten what we are capable of. Iran has just been reminded.

*Please feel free to comment or message me on social media. I always welcome debate and conversation.