Gotham Works

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The Capitol

I was both saddened and outraged by the siege of the Capitol yesterday. It has highlighted, yet again, a dire need for moral and ethical consistency. For all of 2020, many conservatives and Trump supporters railed against the left, condemned the riots of the past year, and promoted the rule of law. All for naught is seems. I have seen some those same conservatives try to justify the siege. What happened yesterday, and the response to it, displays the utter hypocrisy of our society.

That includes many of you liberals as well. You want to call what happened yesterday, domestic terrorism? You want to call these people insurgents? Cut the bullshit. Where were you last year? Where were you when our cities were in flames? 19+ dead, billions in property damage, police stations and areas of Portland under siege for months. That wasn’t domestic terrorism? Just peaceful protesting, right? Do yourself a favor, stop grandstanding.

The truth is, it is all wrong. It is all criminal.

For years now, politicians and the media have amplified the fringe voices of our society. Truth is routinely distorted. Disinformation is willfully spread to gain votes or increase ratings. Differences of perspectives, rather than being embraced and understood, are simply not tolerated. What happened yesterday, and what happened last year, is merely a preview of what this course of action will bring us. There is a tremendous loss of trust in the government and in the media. If we continue to spread untruths and sow division, it will lead to greater conflict. It will get worse, until something happens that will bring us back to the center.

To the elected officials, I say, take heed. While Trump’s speech was certainly inciteful, the people are angry. The majority of people are angry. Regardless of political position, people feel that their voices are not being heard. And, they have knocked on your door. You will regret not listening to them.